Citizen Life.
Or build an Empire!
Medium/Heavy Roleplay in a city where the citizen can buy and build (with proper city official approval) any home, business or enterprise they desire.
-> Create a Character, Name. Backstory
-> Banks System
-> Credits System
-> VIP System
-> Licensing of different levels, Basic, Advanced, Taxi, Trucker, Heli, Plane, Boat, Bike, RC
-> Caps on how many can work a specific job
-> Lots of jobs **
-> Taxi Job
->Delivery Driver Job
-> Farms, Purchasable and workable.
-> Drug Farms
-> Legal Drugs
-> Addictions
-> Hunger
-> Thirst
-> Bathroom Bar #1
-> Bathroom Bar #2
-> Tobacco Products
-> Gasoline Products, Fuels, Oil maintenence on vehicles, Natural gasses
-> Necessary Legal "medicine" that recover health, increase addiction with use and other variable to have prescribed drugs (?)
-> Drug Dealer Job
-> Drug Trafficker Job
-> Slow Cars
-> Fast cars,
-> Racing
-> Women,
-> Illegal Drugs,
-> Fictional steps to manufacture drugs. Legal and Illegal
-> Hospital
-> Paramedic Job
-> Newscaster Job
-> Regular broadcasted News
-> Laws.
-> Law Enforcement,
-> Road Barriers / Flares
-> Tasers
-> Lots of Jobs, and a codependent economy and community.
-> Industries require and become fulfilled with supplies
-> Toggles for individual industries for when the server is new, so everything operates as a ghost city. No caps on jobs and everywhere has supplies.
-> Toggles for economy for crisis
Ex1. No More Medicine at the Hospital, last until the next batch can be brewed and brought to the hospital
Ex2. The Market's buy/sell prices change drastically
Ex3. No more fuel
Ex4. Night 24/7
Ex.5 War. Where the winning team could potentially change the economy and politics
-> Politics. Lots of regular voting for laws for registered citizens and changes in the city based on the outcome.
-> .A voted in Mayor which would be the most busy and stressful job. Travel all over the map all day to different locations for meetings and signing yes and no to different proposals.
-> Mining Job
-> Ores for Industries
-> Fishing Job
-> Fun Chat games for in game credits
-> Lottery System
-> Admin Jail for rule breakers, where they constantly need to be doing AFK checks or are kicked, and are timed until their release
-> Extra fun ~~~
"Billionaires Bucket List."
A checklist on the server of all sorts; easy and crazy challenges. Can be completed and awarded with great prizes..
-> Inventory / Backpack System
-> Holstered Weapons that can be stored in any type of storage
-> House Storage
-> Car Storage
-> Purchasable Hotel Rooms
-> Purchasable Apartment Rooms
-> Purchasable Homes
-> Purchasable Properties
-> Furniture Store for homes. Items delivered next day.
-> Custom Mapping
-> Random starting Money beginning with 0 and going up with lower odds
-> Character Creation 1 week cool down
-> 2 Character Slots that share the same Bank
-> Store / Bank Robberies Possible with proper RP.
-> CCTV System.
-> Live Music Streaming for Radio / Boombox
-> Clothing store for different skins
-> Hats store for different Hats and accessories. Should be far away and a journey to get to.
-> Everytime you consume a drink and food, get a container item and rubbish that can be thrown away or used to craft a molotov cocktail. Things should be recyclable and well integrated
-> Upgradable weapons? Can we add models to the game? Nail Bat, Sawn Off, Extended Mags, Sights for better accuracy, different rounds.
-> Ragdoll effects when hit by a car, shot by shotgun at close range, etc?
-> Fireworks
-> Different Fuel grades; Low Grade (Quicker Oil Change), High grade, Airplane fuel
-> Marriages, Churches, dr
GTA City Gamemode
In This City... Who will you become?